Werken bij No Label
In deze snel veranderende industrie is ons werk nooit echt af. We blijven de lat steeds hoger leggen, voor onszelf en voor de mensen om ons heen, om zo samen tot het hoogst haalbare resultaat te komen. Werken voor No Label is niet voor iedereen weggelegd: het pad naar succes is hobbelig en vraagt veel flexibiliteit in elk aspect van onze dagelijkse werkzaamheden. Maar de beloning is onbetaalbaar, want ook al noemen we het werk, het voelt nooit zo.
Ben je overtuigd en heb je zin in een uitdaging? Bekijk dan snel onze vacatures en kom ons team versterken.
Telefoon: +31 (0) 20 261 37 69
Email: jobs@nolabel.nl
Amsterdam hoofdkantoor
Ben jij klaar voor een nieuwe uitdaging in de mode-industrie?
In een wereld die altijd in beweging is, zorgen wij er bij No Label voor dat we nooit achterblijven. We blijven innoveren, verbeteren en streven altijd naar het hoogst haalbare. Werken bij No Label betekent werken in een dynamische en snel veranderende omgeving, waar geen dag hetzelfde is. Het is intens, het is veeleisend, maar het is altijd de moeite waard.
Wie zijn wij?
No Label is een modebedrijf dat streeft naar eenvoud, kwaliteit en duurzaamheid. We bieden tijdloze basics voor de moderne man; van de perfecte chino tot die trui die je keer op keer uit de kast trekt. Als we iets doen, doen we het goed. We hebben een no-nonsense aanpak, met een focus op productkwaliteit en klantgerichtheid. Met onze 10 jaar ervaring in de mode-industrie en onze diepe toewijding aan duurzaamheid, zijn we constant op zoek naar manieren om onszelf te verbeteren en te groeien.
We werken met een klein, maar gedreven team en geloven sterk in een cultuur van samenwerking en transparantie. Iedereen bij No Label draagt bij aan onze missie om uitzonderlijke, toegankelijke producten te leveren, zonder concessies te doen aan kwaliteit en esthetiek.
Wat ga je doen?
Als Product Developer / Product Manager ben jij mede verantwoordelijk voor het volledige productontwikkelingsproces, van sourcing tot kwaliteitscontrole. Je stuurt de productontwikkeling aan, zorgt ervoor dat alle processen efficiënt verlopen en behoudt de productkwaliteit op het hoogste niveau. Jij hebt de leiding over het behalen van de gestelde marges en KPI’s, en werkt nauw samen met verschillende stakeholders, zowel intern als met externe leveranciers.
Jouw taken in detail:
- Productkwaliteit en margebeheer: Jij bent verantwoordelijk voor het waarborgen van de productkwaliteit en het behalen van marge-doelstellingen. Dit doe je door nauw samen te werken met interne stakeholders en leveranciers en door het proces te monitoren van concept tot eindproduct.
- KPI-bewaking: Je bewaakt product-specifieke KPI's zoals marges, doorlooptijden, MOQ’s en het op tijd leveren van monsters. Je analyseert en rapporteert hierover naar het management.
- Productbeheer: Jij coördineert het volledige productbeheer traject, van het inkopen van stoffen en trims tot het opstellen van tech packs, het controleren van pasvormen via proto- en size sets en de uiteindelijke kwaliteitscontrole (QC) van de productie.
- Samenwerking en communicatie met leveranciers: Je onderhoudt dagelijks contact met leveranciers, onderhandelt over FOB-prijzen, bespreekt doorlooptijden van stoffen en trims en zorgt ervoor dat de productie op schema blijft.
- Kostenoptimalisatie en risicobeoordeling: Je adviseert het designteam over kostenimplicaties en identificeert risico’s met betrekking tot productkwaliteit, productiecapaciteit en leverbetrouwbaarheid.
- FOB-prijsbepaling en onderhandeling: Jij stelt targets voor FOB-prijzen op om de gewenste marges te behalen en bespreekt deze met leveranciers.
- Projectmanagement: Jij zorgt voor de naleving van de productontwikkeling kalender en plant de nodige milestones, zoals het aanvragen van proto's, sizesets, pre-production samples en fotoshoot samples.
- Data-analyse en systeembeheer: Je waarborgt de nauwkeurigheid en volledigheid van productgegevens in systemen zoals Shopify, inclusief BOM (Bill of Materials), prijzen en productie-informatie.
- Inkoop en voorraadbeheer: Jij beheert het inkoopproces van trims, houdt de voorraadniveaus in de gaten en zorgt voor een tijdige en efficiënte levering.
- Producttests en risicobeoordeling: Je bent betrokken bij het beoordelen van testresultaten voor materialen en draagt bij aan de risicobeoordeling, zodat de productkwaliteit altijd voldoet aan de vastgestelde normen.
Wat breng jij mee?
- Minimaal 1 jaar ervaring in een productontwikkeling- of product management functie binnen de mode-industrie.
- Ervaring met het volledige productontwikkelingsproces, van sourcing tot kwaliteitscontrole.
- Kennis van stoffen, trims, pasvormen en productieprocessen.
- Sterke vaardigheden in Excel, inclusief het werken met formules, draaitabellen en data-analyse.
- Ervaring met het opstellen van tech packs, sizespecs en het coördineren van productiemonsters.
- Vaardigheid in het onderhandelen over FOB-prijzen en het beheer van leveranciersrelaties.
- Ervaring met ERP-systemen en platformen zoals Shopify voor productbeheer.
- Ervaring met risicobeoordeling en kwaliteitscontrole van productiematerialen.
- Een proactieve en hands-on benadering, met uitstekende organisatorische vaardigheden en oog voor detail.
- Vloeiend in Nederlands en Engels.
Wat bieden wij jou?
- Een fulltime functie binnen een dynamisch en ambitieus team.
- Werken in een team met een gedeelde passie voor kwaliteit en vakmanschap.
- Een rol met veel verantwoordelijkheid en ruimte voor groei.
- Dagelijks een verzorgde lunch, vers fruit en koffie op kantoor.
- Een fijne, informele werksfeer waarin samenwerking centraal staat.
- Marktconform salaris en goede secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden.
Klaar om samen met ons de volgende stap te zetten?
Stuur je cv en motivatie naar jobs@nolabel.nl en wie weet verwelkomen we jou binnenkort in ons team.
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Wij hebben maar één doel voor een stagiair: ervoor zorgen dat je bij ons blijft werken zodra je stage erop zit. Voor ‘gewoon’ een stageplek ben je bij ons niet op het goede adres. Wij investeren in jou en jij maakt dat 100% de moeite waard. En ja, natuurlijk ga je ook onze latte macchiatos maken en ben je steevast de laatste die het pand verlaat, maar hé: we’ve all been there.
Solliciteer nu
Wij hebben maar één doel voor een stagiair: ervoor zorgen dat je bij ons blijft werken zodra je stage erop zit. Voor ‘gewoon’ een stageplek ben je bij ons niet op het goede adres. Wij zijn veel meer dan dat en jij gaat het voor ons de moeite waard maken. En ja, natuurlijk ga je ook onze latte macchiatos maken en ben je steevast de laatste die het pand verlaat, maar hé: we’ve all been there.
Solliciteer nu
Warehouse - Aalsmeer
In ons warehouse in Aalsmeer werk je binnen een klein team van gedreven collega’s met een echte work-hard, play-hard mentaliteit.
Voor de versterking van ons team zijn we op zoek naar een enthousiaste warehouse medewerker die stressbestendig is en van aanpakken houdt. Het warehouse is het hart van ons bedrijf, alle logistieke processen worden vanuit het warehouse geleid, waarbij we iedere dag streven naar het tijdig versturen van weborders en zorgen we dat nieuwe producten vliegensvlug in onze winkels liggen.
Geen dag is hetzelfde maar in het kort zijn de kernwerkzaamheden als volgt: het picken en verwerken van online web bestellingen, het verzamelen van aanvulorders voor onze 10 fysieke winkels, ontvangst en verwerking van bulkleveringen en het verwerken/reconditioneren van retour orders. Het warehouse is geopend van maandag t/m vrijdag met werktijden van 09:00 tot 17:00 uur met een inbegrepen lunch en reiskostenvergoeding. Door te werken voor No Label ontvang je tevens een ruime korting op onze gehele collectie. Wil jij meegroeien met ons bedrijf en heb je affiniteit met het werken in de logistiek en/of retailbranche? Dan ben jij misschien wel onze perfecte match!
- 38 uur (fulltime)
- Nederlands en/of Engels (taal)
Tijdelijk contract / vast contract
Marktconform salaris en goede secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden
Reiskostenvergoeding: € 0,23/km of een OV vergoeding
Wij bieden:
- Een dynamische werkplek waar geen dag hetzelfde is;
- Reiskosten vergoeding van: €0.23 per km of een OV vergoeding;
- Een marktconform salaris op basis van ervaring;
- Een fijne informele werksfeer waarin samenwerken centraal staat;
- Een baan van maandag tot en met vrijdag, waardoor je ieder weekend vrij hebt;
- 8% vakantiegeld, inbegrepen lunch en een ruime medewerkerskorting.
Wij vragen:
- Iemand op wie collega's kunnen bouwen;
- Fulltime beschikbaarheid (werktijden ma - vr: 09:00-17:00 uur);
- Je hebt affiniteit met de logistieke- en/of retailsector;
- Stressbestendigheid en iemand die van aanpakken houdt.
Apply Now
Amsterdam store
Als jij uit bed stapt, ruik je het succes al dat komen gaat. Je bent een absolute closer, daar is geen twijfel over mogelijk. Je inspireert de rookies terwijl de semi-pro's tegen je opkijken. Je bent hét voorbeeld van perfecte service, verkoop en vertegenwoordiging. Oh, en hadden we al gezegd dat je een legend bent?
Je bent verantwoordelijk voor:
- het leveren van de best mogelijke service aan klanten;
- de winkel schoon en netjes houden;
- communicatie met de storemanager en het hoofdkantoor over alle artikelen of diensten die onze klanten volgens jou nodig hebben;
- het goede voorbeeld geven aan onze junior en parttime verkopers.
We zoeken iemand die: - servicegericht is;
- sterke communicatieve vaardigheden heeft, je kunt met iedereen een gesprek voeren;
- enige bewezen leidinggevende ervaring heeft;
Je hoeft geen jarenlange ervaring te hebben of een "passie" voor mode, je moet je kunnen aanpassen en een dorst naar kennis hebben.
Assistent store manager
Wat is er nou zo bijzonder aan een managementfunctie? Bij No Label manage je de zaken niet, je ownt ze. Je zit niet met een kantoormentaliteit in je ivoren toren, maar bent 24/7 op de winkelvloer te vinden. Altijd daar waar de actie is. Je bent het toonbeeld van klantenservice, dus geen enkele klant gaat ontevreden de deur uit. Je motiveert je collega’s, jaagt de verkoop door het dak en voor klanten ben jij het gezicht van het No Label succesverhaal.
In deze functie ben je verantwoordelijk voor:
- het leveren van de best mogelijke service aan klanten;
- het zo breed mogelijk ondersteunen van de storemanager;
- de dagelijkse gang van zaken in de winkel;
- het leiden en aansturen van het team bij afwezigheid van de storemanager;
- het correct laten verlopen van alle winkelprocessen. Waar nodig kom je met verbeteringen.
We zoeken iemand die:
- servicegericht is;
- sterke communicatieve vaardigheden heeft, je kunt met iedereen een gesprek voeren;
- Bewezen leiderschapsvaardigheden of -ervaring heeft.
Je hoeft geen jarenlange ervaring te hebben of een "passie" voor mode, je moet je gewoon kunnen aanpassen en een dorst naar kennis hebben.
We zijn er trots op dat we oog hebben voor talent. Onze poule van parttimers bestaat dan ook uit een mix van A-studenten die de standaard onderbetaalde baantjes beu zijn. Parttime bij ons werken betekent namelijk niet een random baantje voor wat extra zakgeld.
We geloven niet dat je de rest van je leven bij ons blijft werken, je bent namelijk gefocust op dat universitaire bachelordiploma. Misschien heb je al wat kennis van onze branche, maar maak je vooral geen zorgen als je dat niet hebt; je bent slim genoeg om het in een dag te leren. Wij geloven dat je iemand niet kunt leren om sociaal of extravert te zijn, dus zorg ervoor dat je dat laat zien tijdens je eerste sollicitatiegesprek.
Je bent verantwoordelijk voor:
- het leveren van de best mogelijke service aan klanten;
- het schoon en netjes houden van de winkel;
- het adviseren en bedienen van onze klanten.
We zoeken iemand die:
- servicegericht is;
- sterke communicatieve vaardigheden heeft, je kunt met iedereen een gesprek voeren;
- flexibel is;
- minstens één dag in het weekend beschikbaar is.
Je hoeft geen jarenlange ervaring te hebben of een "passie" voor mode, je moet je kunnen aanpassen en een dorst naar kennis hebben.
Senior Style Advisor (full-time)
Are you a fashion enthusiast who thrives on creating unforgettable styling experiences? As a Senior Style Advisor at NOLABEL, you'll combine your deep fashion knowledge with exceptional customer connection skills to help our clients discover and express their personal style.
We're seeking someone who brings both creative vision and commercial drive, transforming client interactions into lasting relationships through authentic style guidance and personalized service.
Your Impact:
- Guide clients through personalized styling experiences that align with their lifestyle and aspirations
- Lead by example in achieving sales excellence through genuine customer connections and style expertise
- Mentor fellow team members in advanced styling techniques and customer service best practices
- Create inspiring visual merchandising that showcases the latest trends and collections
- Drive client loyalty through personalized follow-up and style updates
- Contribute to team success by sharing insights and innovative approaches to styling
Your Strengths:
- Proven experience in retail, hospitality, or customer service environments
- Expert understanding of styling principles and current fashion trends
- Natural ability to build authentic connections and trust with clients
- Strong commercial instincts combined with genuine passion for style
- Ability to thrive in a dynamic retail environment, including evening and weekend hours
What We Offer:
- Competitive base salary plus attractive commission structure
- Advanced styling and sales development through our industry-leading training program
- Seasonal wardrobe allowance and generous employee discount
- Clear career progression within a fast-growing fashion brand
- Opportunity to participate in cross-store initiatives and events
To join our team at NOLABEL, please include:
1. Your detailed CV with complete contact details - show us your professional path.
2. Your motivational letter - what ignites your passion for our brand and why should we grow together?
3. Fashion is constantly evolving - identify two brands that you believe have revolutionized the industry in the last ten years, and explain their impact.
4. We're curious about your fashion perspective - which three social media influencers or accounts inspire your style vision and keep you ahead of industry trends?
Junior Style Advisor
Are you passionate about fashion and eager to start your journey in retail? We're looking for enthusiastic Junior Style Advisors who want to turn their love for fashion into an exciting career at NOLABEL.
If you have a natural talent for connecting with people and an eye for style, we'll give you all the tools and training you need to become a successful style professional.
Your Impact:
- Learn from our experienced team to develop your styling and sales expertise
- Help customers discover their personal style through engaging and genuine interactions
- Build your product knowledge and share your enthusiasm for our collections
- Contribute to creating an inviting store environment through visual merchandising
- Develop lasting relationships with customers through authentic service
- Grow your retail skills through our comprehensive training program
Your Strengths:
- Genuine passion for fashion and styling
- Natural friendliness and enthusiasm for helping others
- Eager to learn and develop new skills
- Team player mentality with a positive attitude
- Flexibility to work in a dynamic retail environment, including evenings and weekends
What We Offer:
- Competitive starting salary plus commission structure
- Industry-leading training program to kickstart your retail career
- Seasonal wardrobe allowance and generous employee discount
- Real opportunities for growth within a fast-growing fashion brand
- Supportive team environment focused on your development
To join our team at NOLABEL, please include:
1. Your detailed CV with complete contact details - show us your professional path.
2. Your motivational letter - what ignites your passion for our brand and why should we grow together?
3. Fashion is constantly evolving - identify two brands that you believe have revolutionized the industry in the last ten years, and explain their impact.
4. We're curious about your fashion perspective - which three social media influencers or accounts inspire your style vision and keep you ahead of industry trends?
Apply now
Weekend Style Advisor
Looking to combine your passion for fashion with your studies? Join NOLABEL as a Part-Time Style Advisor and become part of our dynamic weekend team!
Whether you're studying fashion, business, or simply love helping people look and feel their best, this role offers the perfect opportunity to gain valuable retail experience in a fashion-forward environment.
Your Impact:
- Be part of creating exceptional shopping experiences during our busiest hours
- Help customers discover their personal style through friendly, authentic service
- Learn about styling and build your fashion expertise through hands-on experience
- Support the team in maintaining an inspiring store environment
- Put your personal style knowledge into practice while learning from experienced colleagues
Your Strengths:
- Genuine enthusiasm for fashion and styling
- Natural ability to connect with people
- Eager to learn and grow in retail
- Team player with a can-do attitude
- Available to work weekends, evenings and occasional weekdays
- Student or part-time professional looking for 8-16 hours per week
What We Offer:
- Competitive hourly rate
- Professional retail and styling training
- Attractive employee discount
- Real growth opportunities within our expanding fashion brand
- Flexible scheduling that works around your studies
- Seasonal wardrobe allowance
To join our team at NOLABEL, please include:
1. Your detailed CV with complete contact details - show us your professional path.
2. Your motivational letter - what ignites your passion for our brand and why should we grow together?
3. Fashion is constantly evolving - identify two brands that you believe have revolutionized the industry in the last ten years, and explain their impact.
4. We're curious about your fashion perspective - which three social media influencers or accounts inspire your style vision and keep you ahead of industry trends?
Apply Now
Utrecht STORE
Weekend Style Advisor
Looking to combine your passion for fashion with your studies? Join NOLABEL as a Part-Time Style Advisor and become part of our dynamic weekend team!
Whether you're studying fashion, business, or simply love helping people look and feel their best, this role offers the perfect opportunity to gain valuable retail experience in a fashion-forward environment.
Your Impact:
- Be part of creating exceptional shopping experiences during our busiest hours
- Help customers discover their personal style through friendly, authentic service
- Learn about styling and build your fashion expertise through hands-on experience
- Support the team in maintaining an inspiring store environment
- Put your personal style knowledge into practice while learning from experienced colleagues
Your Strengths:
- Genuine enthusiasm for fashion and styling
- Natural ability to connect with people
- Eager to learn and grow in retail
- Team player with a can-do attitude
- Available to work weekends, evenings and occasional weekdays
- Student or part-time professional looking for 8-16 hours per week
What We Offer:
- Competitive hourly rate
- Professional retail and styling training
- Attractive employee discount
- Real growth opportunities within our expanding fashion brand
- Flexible scheduling that works around your studies
- Seasonal wardrobe allowance
To join our team at NOLABEL, please include:
1. Your detailed CV with complete contact details - show us your professional path.
2. Your motivational letter - what ignites your passion for our brand and why should we grow together?
3. Fashion is constantly evolving - identify two brands that you believe have revolutionized the industry in the last ten years, and explain their impact.
4. We're curious about your fashion perspective - which three social media influencers or accounts inspire your style vision and keep you ahead of industry trends?
Apply Now
Rotterdam STORE
Assistant Store manager (full-time)
Are you a natural problem-solver who combines independent thinking with strong leadership skills? We're looking for an Assistant Store Manager who can partner with our Store Manager to drive excellence in both team performance and customer experience.
In this role, you'll play a vital part in shaping our store's success, balancing daily operations with strategic initiatives while helping develop a high-performing retail team.
Your Impact:
- Partner with the Store Manager to guide team performance and achieve ambitious sales targets
- Foster a culture of exceptional customer service by coaching and inspiring team members
- Drive visual merchandising excellence to create compelling shopping experiences
- Support recruitment and development of top retail talent
- Implement and maintain operational best practices that enhance store efficiency
- Take ownership of key store projects and contribute to continuous improvement initiatives
Your Strengths:
- Proven retail or customer service leadership experience
- Natural ability to connect with customers and build lasting relationships
- Strong team development and coaching capabilities
- Excellence in communication and problem-solving
- Ability to adapt to a dynamic retail schedule including evenings and weekends
What We Offer:
- Competitive base salary plus monthly performance incentives
- Industry-leading retail management development program
- Seasonal wardrobe allowance and attractive staff discount
- Growth opportunities within a rapidly expanding fashion company
- Chance to contribute to our national expansion through cross-store initiatives
If you're ready to take the next step in your retail leadership journey and help shape the future of fashion retail, we want to meet you.
To join our team at NOLABEL, please include:
1. Your detailed CV with complete contact details - show us your professional path.
2. Your motivational letter - what ignites your passion for our brand and why should we grow together?
3. Fashion is constantly evolving - identify two brands that you believe have revolutionized the industry in the last ten years, and explain their impact.
4. We're curious about your fashion perspective - which three social media influencers or accounts inspire your style vision and keep you ahead of industry trends?
Apply Now
Senior Style Advisor (full-time)
Are you a fashion enthusiast who thrives on creating unforgettable styling experiences? As a Senior Style Advisor at NOLABEL, you'll combine your deep fashion knowledge with exceptional customer connection skills to help our clients discover and express their personal style.
We're seeking someone who brings both creative vision and commercial drive, transforming client interactions into lasting relationships through authentic style guidance and personalized service.
Your Impact:
- Guide clients through personalized styling experiences that align with their lifestyle and aspirations
- Lead by example in achieving sales excellence through genuine customer connections and style expertise
- Mentor fellow team members in advanced styling techniques and customer service best practices
- Create inspiring visual merchandising that showcases the latest trends and collections
- Drive client loyalty through personalized follow-up and style updates
- Contribute to team success by sharing insights and innovative approaches to styling
Your Strengths:
- Proven experience in retail, hospitality, or customer service environments
- Expert understanding of styling principles and current fashion trends
- Natural ability to build authentic connections and trust with clients
- Strong commercial instincts combined with genuine passion for style
- Ability to thrive in a dynamic retail environment, including evening and weekend hours
What We Offer:
- Competitive base salary plus attractive commission structure
- Advanced styling and sales development through our industry-leading training program
- Seasonal wardrobe allowance and generous employee discount
- Clear career progression within a fast-growing fashion brand
- Opportunity to participate in cross-store initiatives and events
To join our team at NOLABEL, please include:
1. Your detailed CV with complete contact details - show us your professional path.
2. Your motivational letter - what ignites your passion for our brand and why should we grow together?
3. Fashion is constantly evolving - identify two brands that you believe have revolutionized the industry in the last ten years, and explain their impact.
4. We're curious about your fashion perspective - which three social media influencers or accounts inspire your style vision and keep you ahead of industry trends?
Apply Now
Haarlem store
Are you a natural problem-solver who thrives on turning challenges into opportunities? We're seeking a Store Manager who can combine strategic thinking with hands-on leadership to drive our retail success story forward.
As our Store Manager, you'll shape both the commercial performance and team culture of your store, creating an environment where exceptional customer experiences happen naturally. Your ability to spot potential, develop talent, and inspire excellence will be key to your success.
Your Impact:
- Transform store performance by setting clear goals, developing action plans, and coaching your team to achieve outstanding results
- Build and nurture a high-performing team that sets new standards in customer service and sales achievement
- Drive business growth through smart budget management, strategic inventory control, and innovative solutions to retail challenges
- Create compelling visual merchandising that brings our brand story to life and maximizes sales opportunities
- Partner with regional leaders and support teams to implement best practices and pioneer new retail approaches
Your Strengths:
- A proven track record of elevating team performance through mentorship and clear direction
- Sharp commercial instincts combined with strong analytical and planning abilities
- Excellence in customer engagement, with an understanding of how to build lasting client relationships
- Adaptable leadership style that can evolve with business needs and team dynamics
What We Offer:
- A competitive compensation package including performance-based bonuses
- Industry-leading retail management training to accelerate your growth
- Seasonal wardrobe allowance and generous staff discount
- Clear path for career advancement in a rapidly expanding retail organization
- Opportunity to contribute to our national expansion through cross-store projects
We're looking for someone who can think independently, act decisively, and inspire others to deliver their best work. If you're ready to lead a store team that's passionate about setting new standards in retail excellence, we want to hear from you.
To join our team at NOLABEL, please include:
1. Your detailed CV with complete contact details - show us your professional path.
2. Your motivational letter - what ignites your passion for our brand and why should we grow together?
3. Fashion is constantly evolving - identify two brands that you believe have revolutionized the industry in the last ten years, and explain their impact.4. We're curious about your fashion perspective - which three social media influencers or accounts inspire your style vision and keep you ahead of industry trends?
Apply Now
Assistant Store manager (full-time)
Are you a natural problem-solver who combines independent thinking with strong leadership skills? We're looking for an Assistant Store Manager who can partner with our Store Manager to drive excellence in both team performance and customer experience.
In this role, you'll play a vital part in shaping our store's success, balancing daily operations with strategic initiatives while helping develop a high-performing retail team.
Your Impact:
- Partner with the Store Manager to guide team performance and achieve ambitious sales targets
- Foster a culture of exceptional customer service by coaching and inspiring team members
- Drive visual merchandising excellence to create compelling shopping experiences
- Support recruitment and development of top retail talent
- Implement and maintain operational best practices that enhance store efficiency
- Take ownership of key store projects and contribute to continuous improvement initiatives
Your Strengths:
- Proven retail or customer service leadership experience
- Natural ability to connect with customers and build lasting relationships
- Strong team development and coaching capabilities
- Excellence in communication and problem-solving
- Ability to adapt to a dynamic retail schedule including evenings and weekends
What We Offer:
- Competitive base salary plus monthly performance incentives
- Industry-leading retail management development program
- Seasonal wardrobe allowance and attractive staff discount
- Growth opportunities within a rapidly expanding fashion company
- Chance to contribute to our national expansion through cross-store initiatives
If you're ready to take the next step in your retail leadership journey and help shape the future of fashion retail, we want to meet you.
To join our team at NOLABEL, please include:
1. Your detailed CV with complete contact details - show us your professional path.
2. Your motivational letter - what ignites your passion for our brand and why should we grow together?
3. Fashion is constantly evolving - identify two brands that you believe have revolutionized the industry in the last ten years, and explain their impact.
4. We're curious about your fashion perspective - which three social media influencers or accounts inspire your style vision and keep you ahead of industry trends?
Apply Now
Senior Style Advisor (Parttime)
Are you a fashion enthusiast who thrives on creating unforgettable styling experiences? As a Senior Style Advisor at NOLABEL, you'll combine your deep fashion knowledge with exceptional customer connection skills to help our clients discover and express their personal style.
We're seeking someone who brings both creative vision and commercial drive, transforming client interactions into lasting relationships through authentic style guidance and personalized service.
Your Impact:
- Guide clients through personalized styling experiences that align with their lifestyle and aspirations
- Lead by example in achieving sales excellence through genuine customer connections and style expertise
- Mentor fellow team members in advanced styling techniques and customer service best practices
- Create inspiring visual merchandising that showcases the latest trends and collections
- Drive client loyalty through personalized follow-up and style updates
- Contribute to team success by sharing insights and innovative approaches to styling
Your Strengths:
- Proven experience in retail, hospitality, or customer service environments
- Expert understanding of styling principles and current fashion trends
- Natural ability to build authentic connections and trust with clients
- Strong commercial instincts combined with genuine passion for style
- Ability to thrive in a dynamic retail environment, including evening and weekend hours
What We Offer:
- Competitive base salary plus attractive commission structure
- Advanced styling and sales development through our industry-leading training program
- Seasonal wardrobe allowance and generous employee discount
- Clear career progression within a fast-growing fashion brand
- Opportunity to participate in cross-store initiatives and events
To join our team at NOLABEL, please include:
1. Your detailed CV with complete contact details - show us your professional path.
2. Your motivational letter - what ignites your passion for our brand and why should we grow together?
3. Fashion is constantly evolving - identify two brands that you believe have revolutionized the industry in the last ten years, and explain their impact.
4. We're curious about your fashion perspective - which three social media influencers or accounts inspire your style vision and keep you ahead of industry trends?
Apply Now
Weekend Style Advisor
Looking to combine your passion for fashion with your studies? Join NOLABEL as a Part-Time Style Advisor and become part of our dynamic weekend team!
Whether you're studying fashion, business, or simply love helping people look and feel their best, this role offers the perfect opportunity to gain valuable retail experience in a fashion-forward environment.
Your Impact:
- Be part of creating exceptional shopping experiences during our busiest hours
- Help customers discover their personal style through friendly, authentic service
- Learn about styling and build your fashion expertise through hands-on experience
- Support the team in maintaining an inspiring store environment
- Put your personal style knowledge into practice while learning from experienced colleagues
Your Strengths:
- Genuine enthusiasm for fashion and styling
- Natural ability to connect with people
- Eager to learn and grow in retail
- Team player with a can-do attitude
- Available to work weekends, evenings and occasional weekdays
- Student or part-time professional looking for 8-16 hours per week
What We Offer:
- Competitive hourly rate
- Professional retail and styling training
- Attractive employee discount
- Real growth opportunities within our expanding fashion brand
- Flexible scheduling that works around your studies
- Seasonal wardrobe allowance
To join our team at NOLABEL, please include:
1. Your detailed CV with complete contact details - show us your professional path.
2. Your motivational letter - what ignites your passion for our brand and why should we grow together?
3. Fashion is constantly evolving - identify two brands that you believe have revolutionized the industry in the last ten years, and explain their impact.
4. We're curious about your fashion perspective - which three social media influencers or accounts inspire your style vision and keep you ahead of industry trends?
Apply Now
Den Haag Store
Store manager (full-time)
Are you a natural problem-solver who thrives on turning challenges into opportunities? We're seeking a Store Manager who can combine strategic thinking with hands-on leadership to drive our retail success story forward.
As our Store Manager, you'll shape both the commercial performance and team culture of your store, creating an environment where exceptional customer experiences happen naturally. Your ability to spot potential, develop talent, and inspire excellence will be key to your success.
Your Impact:
- Transform store performance by setting clear goals, developing action plans, and coaching your team to achieve outstanding results
- Build and nurture a high-performing team that sets new standards in customer service and sales achievement
- Drive business growth through smart budget management, strategic inventory control, and innovative solutions to retail challenges
- Create compelling visual merchandising that brings our brand story to life and maximizes sales opportunities
- Partner with regional leaders and support teams to implement best practices and pioneer new retail approaches
Your Strengths:
- A proven track record of elevating team performance through mentorship and clear direction
- Sharp commercial instincts combined with strong analytical and planning abilities
- Excellence in customer engagement, with an understanding of how to build lasting client relationships
- Adaptable leadership style that can evolve with business needs and team dynamics
What We Offer:
- A competitive compensation package including performance-based bonuses
- Industry-leading retail management training to accelerate your growth
- Seasonal wardrobe allowance and generous staff discount
- Clear path for career advancement in a rapidly expanding retail organization
- Opportunity to contribute to our national expansion through cross-store projects
We're looking for someone who can think independently, act decisively, and inspire others to deliver their best work. If you're ready to lead a store team that's passionate about setting new standards in retail excellence, we want to hear from you.
To join our team at NOLABEL, please include:
1. Your detailed CV with complete contact details - show us your professional path.
2. Your motivational letter - what ignites your passion for our brand and why should we grow together?
3. Fashion is constantly evolving - identify two brands that you believe have revolutionized the industry in the last ten years, and explain their impact.4. We're curious about your fashion perspective - which three social media influencers or accounts inspire your style vision and keep you ahead of industry trends?
Apply Now
Assistant Store manager (full-time)
Are you a natural problem-solver who combines independent thinking with strong leadership skills? We're looking for an Assistant Store Manager who can partner with our Store Manager to drive excellence in both team performance and customer experience.
In this role, you'll play a vital part in shaping our store's success, balancing daily operations with strategic initiatives while helping develop a high-performing retail team.
Your Impact:
- Partner with the Store Manager to guide team performance and achieve ambitious sales targets
- Foster a culture of exceptional customer service by coaching and inspiring team members
- Drive visual merchandising excellence to create compelling shopping experiences
- Support recruitment and development of top retail talent
- Implement and maintain operational best practices that enhance store efficiency
- Take ownership of key store projects and contribute to continuous improvement initiatives
Your Strengths:
- Proven retail or customer service leadership experience
- Natural ability to connect with customers and build lasting relationships
- Strong team development and coaching capabilities
- Excellence in communication and problem-solving
- Ability to adapt to a dynamic retail schedule including evenings and weekends
What We Offer:
- Competitive base salary plus monthly performance incentives
- Industry-leading retail management development program
- Seasonal wardrobe allowance and attractive staff discount
- Growth opportunities within a rapidly expanding fashion company
- Chance to contribute to our national expansion through cross-store initiatives
If you're ready to take the next step in your retail leadership journey and help shape the future of fashion retail, we want to meet you.
To join our team at NOLABEL, please include:
1. Your detailed CV with complete contact details - show us your professional path.
2. Your motivational letter - what ignites your passion for our brand and why should we grow together?
3. Fashion is constantly evolving - identify two brands that you believe have revolutionized the industry in the last ten years, and explain their impact.
4. We're curious about your fashion perspective - which three social media influencers or accounts inspire your style vision and keep you ahead of industry trends?
Apply Now
Senior Style Advisor (Parttime)
Are you a fashion enthusiast who thrives on creating unforgettable styling experiences? As a Senior Style Advisor at NOLABEL, you'll combine your deep fashion knowledge with exceptional customer connection skills to help our clients discover and express their personal style.
We're seeking someone who brings both creative vision and commercial drive, transforming client interactions into lasting relationships through authentic style guidance and personalized service.
Your Impact:
- Guide clients through personalized styling experiences that align with their lifestyle and aspirations
- Lead by example in achieving sales excellence through genuine customer connections and style expertise
- Mentor fellow team members in advanced styling techniques and customer service best practices
- Create inspiring visual merchandising that showcases the latest trends and collections
- Drive client loyalty through personalized follow-up and style updates
- Contribute to team success by sharing insights and innovative approaches to styling
Your Strengths:
- Proven experience in retail, hospitality, or customer service environments
- Expert understanding of styling principles and current fashion trends
- Natural ability to build authentic connections and trust with clients
- Strong commercial instincts combined with genuine passion for style
- Ability to thrive in a dynamic retail environment, including evening and weekend hours
What We Offer:
- Competitive base salary plus attractive commission structure
- Advanced styling and sales development through our industry-leading training program
- Seasonal wardrobe allowance and generous employee discount
- Clear career progression within a fast-growing fashion brand
- Opportunity to participate in cross-store initiatives and events
To join our team at NOLABEL, please include:
1. Your detailed CV with complete contact details - show us your professional path.
2. Your motivational letter - what ignites your passion for our brand and why should we grow together?
3. Fashion is constantly evolving - identify two brands that you believe have revolutionized the industry in the last ten years, and explain their impact.
4. We're curious about your fashion perspective - which three social media influencers or accounts inspire your style vision and keep you ahead of industry trends?
Apply Now
Style Senior Style Advisor (Fulltime)Senior Style Ad. Full
Are you a fashion enthusiast who thrives on creating unforgettable styling experiences? As a Senior Style Advisor at NOLABEL, you'll combine your deep fashion knowledge with exceptional customer connection skills to help our clients discover and express their personal style.
We're seeking someone who brings both creative vision and commercial drive, transforming client interactions into lasting relationships through authentic style guidance and personalized service.
Your Impact:
- Guide clients through personalized styling experiences that align with their lifestyle and aspirations
- Lead by example in achieving sales excellence through genuine customer connections and style expertise
- Mentor fellow team members in advanced styling techniques and customer service best practices
- Create inspiring visual merchandising that showcases the latest trends and collections
- Drive client loyalty through personalized follow-up and style updates
- Contribute to team success by sharing insights and innovative approaches to styling
Your Strengths:
- Proven experience in retail, hospitality, or customer service environments
- Expert understanding of styling principles and current fashion trends
- Natural ability to build authentic connections and trust with clients
- Strong commercial instincts combined with genuine passion for style
- Ability to thrive in a dynamic retail environment, including evening and weekend hours
What We Offer:
- Competitive base salary plus attractive commission structure
- Advanced styling and sales development through our industry-leading training program
- Seasonal wardrobe allowance and generous employee discount
- Clear career progression within a fast-growing fashion brand
- Opportunity to participate in cross-store initiatives and events
To join our team at NOLABEL, please include:
1. Your detailed CV with complete contact details - show us your professional path.
2. Your motivational letter - what ignites your passion for our brand and why should we grow together?
3. Fashion is constantly evolving - identify two brands that you believe have revolutionized the industry in the last ten years, and explain their impact.
4. We're curious about your fashion perspective - which three social media influencers or accounts inspire your style vision and keep you ahead of industry trends?
Apply Now
We zijn er trots op dat we oog hebben voor talent. Onze poule van parttimers bestaat dan ook uit een mix van A-studenten die de standaard onderbetaalde baantjes beu zijn. Parttime bij ons werken betekent namelijk niet een random baantje voor wat extra zakgeld.
We geloven niet dat je de rest van je leven bij ons blijft werken, je bent namelijk gefocust op dat universitaire bachelordiploma. Misschien heb je al wat kennis van onze branche, maar maak je vooral geen zorgen als je dat niet hebt; je bent slim genoeg om het in een dag te leren. Wij geloven dat je iemand niet kunt leren om sociaal of extravert te zijn, dus zorg ervoor dat je dat laat zien tijdens je eerste sollicitatiegesprek.
Je bent verantwoordelijk voor:
- het leveren van de best mogelijke service aan klanten;
- het schoon en netjes houden van de winkel;
- het adviseren en bedienen van onze klanten.
We zoeken iemand die: - servicegericht is;
- sterke communicatieve vaardigheden heeft, je kunt met iedereen een gesprek voeren;
- flexibel is;
- minstens één dag in het weekend beschikbaar is.
Je hoeft geen jarenlange ervaring te hebben of een "passie" voor mode, je moet je kunnen aanpassen en een dorst naar kennis hebben.
Solliciteer nu
Store manager (full-time)
Are you a natural problem-solver who thrives on turning challenges into opportunities? We're seeking a Store Manager who can combine strategic thinking with hands-on leadership to drive our retail success story forward.
As our Store Manager, you'll shape both the commercial performance and team culture of your store, creating an environment where exceptional customer experiences happen naturally. Your ability to spot potential, develop talent, and inspire excellence will be key to your success.
Your Impact:
- Transform store performance by setting clear goals, developing action plans, and coaching your team to achieve outstanding results
- Build and nurture a high-performing team that sets new standards in customer service and sales achievement
- Drive business growth through smart budget management, strategic inventory control, and innovative solutions to retail challenges
- Create compelling visual merchandising that brings our brand story to life and maximizes sales opportunities
- Partner with regional leaders and support teams to implement best practices and pioneer new retail approaches
Your Strengths:
- A proven track record of elevating team performance through mentorship and clear direction
- Sharp commercial instincts combined with strong analytical and planning abilities
- Excellence in customer engagement, with an understanding of how to build lasting client relationships
- Adaptable leadership style that can evolve with business needs and team dynamics
What We Offer:
- A competitive compensation package including performance-based bonuses
- Industry-leading retail management training to accelerate your growth
- Seasonal wardrobe allowance and generous staff discount
- Clear path for career advancement in a rapidly expanding retail organization
- Opportunity to contribute to our national expansion through cross-store projects
We're looking for someone who can think independently, act decisively, and inspire others to deliver their best work. If you're ready to lead a store team that's passionate about setting new standards in retail excellence, we want to hear from you.
To join our team at NOLABEL, please include:
1. Your detailed CV with complete contact details - show us your professional path.
2. Your motivational letter - what ignites your passion for our brand and why should we grow together?
3. Fashion is constantly evolving - identify two brands that you believe have revolutionized the industry in the last ten years, and explain their impact.4. We're curious about your fashion perspective - which three social media influencers or accounts inspire your style vision and keep you ahead of industry trends?
Apply Now
Assistant Store manager (full-time)
Are you a natural problem-solver who combines independent thinking with strong leadership skills? We're looking for an Assistant Store Manager who can partner with our Store Manager to drive excellence in both team performance and customer experience.
In this role, you'll play a vital part in shaping our store's success, balancing daily operations with strategic initiatives while helping develop a high-performing retail team.
Your Impact:
- Partner with the Store Manager to guide team performance and achieve ambitious sales targets
- Foster a culture of exceptional customer service by coaching and inspiring team members
- Drive visual merchandising excellence to create compelling shopping experiences
- Support recruitment and development of top retail talent
- Implement and maintain operational best practices that enhance store efficiency
- Take ownership of key store projects and contribute to continuous improvement initiatives
Your Strengths:
- Proven retail or customer service leadership experience
- Natural ability to connect with customers and build lasting relationships
- Strong team development and coaching capabilities
- Excellence in communication and problem-solving
- Ability to adapt to a dynamic retail schedule including evenings and weekends
What We Offer:
- Competitive base salary plus monthly performance incentives
- Industry-leading retail management development program
- Seasonal wardrobe allowance and attractive staff discount
- Growth opportunities within a rapidly expanding fashion company
- Chance to contribute to our national expansion through cross-store initiatives
If you're ready to take the next step in your retail leadership journey and help shape the future of fashion retail, we want to meet you.
To join our team at NOLABEL, please include:
1. Your detailed CV with complete contact details - show us your professional path.
2. Your motivational letter - what ignites your passion for our brand and why should we grow together?
3. Fashion is constantly evolving - identify two brands that you believe have revolutionized the industry in the last ten years, and explain their impact.
4. We're curious about your fashion perspective - which three social media influencers or accounts inspire your style vision and keep you ahead of industry trends?
Apply Now
Senior Style Advisor (Parttime)
Are you a fashion enthusiast who thrives on creating unforgettable styling experiences? As a Senior Style Advisor at NOLABEL, you'll combine your deep fashion knowledge with exceptional customer connection skills to help our clients discover and express their personal style.
We're seeking someone who brings both creative vision and commercial drive, transforming client interactions into lasting relationships through authentic style guidance and personalized service.
Your Impact:
- Guide clients through personalized styling experiences that align with their lifestyle and aspirations
- Lead by example in achieving sales excellence through genuine customer connections and style expertise
- Mentor fellow team members in advanced styling techniques and customer service best practices
- Create inspiring visual merchandising that showcases the latest trends and collections
- Drive client loyalty through personalized follow-up and style updates
- Contribute to team success by sharing insights and innovative approaches to styling
Your Strengths:
- Proven experience in retail, hospitality, or customer service environments
- Expert understanding of styling principles and current fashion trends
- Natural ability to build authentic connections and trust with clients
- Strong commercial instincts combined with genuine passion for style
- Ability to thrive in a dynamic retail environment, including evening and weekend hours
What We Offer:
- Competitive base salary plus attractive commission structure
- Advanced styling and sales development through our industry-leading training program
- Seasonal wardrobe allowance and generous employee discount
- Clear career progression within a fast-growing fashion brand
- Opportunity to participate in cross-store initiatives and events
To join our team at NOLABEL, please include:
1. Your detailed CV with complete contact details - show us your professional path.
2. Your motivational letter - what ignites your passion for our brand and why should we grow together?
3. Fashion is constantly evolving - identify two brands that you believe have revolutionized the industry in the last ten years, and explain their impact.
4. We're curious about your fashion perspective - which three social media influencers or accounts inspire your style vision and keep you ahead of industry trends?
Apply Now
We zijn er trots op dat we oog hebben voor talent. Onze poule van parttimers bestaat dan ook uit een mix van A-studenten die de standaard onderbetaalde baantjes beu zijn. Parttime bij ons werken betekent namelijk niet een random baantje voor wat extra zakgeld.
We geloven niet dat je de rest van je leven bij ons blijft werken, je bent namelijk gefocust op dat universitaire bachelordiploma. Misschien heb je al wat kennis van onze branche, maar maak je vooral geen zorgen als je dat niet hebt; je bent slim genoeg om het in een dag te leren. Wij geloven dat je iemand niet kunt leren om sociaal of extravert te zijn, dus zorg ervoor dat je dat laat zien tijdens je eerste sollicitatiegesprek.
Je bent verantwoordelijk voor:
- het leveren van de best mogelijke service aan klanten;
- het schoon en netjes houden van de winkel;
- het adviseren en bedienen van onze klanten.
We zoeken iemand die:
- servicegericht is;
- sterke communicatieve vaardigheden heeft, je kunt met iedereen een gesprek voeren;
- flexibel is;
- minstens één dag in het weekend beschikbaar is.
Je hoeft geen jarenlange ervaring te hebben of een "passie" voor mode, je moet je kunnen aanpassen en een dorst naar kennis hebben.
Solliciteer nu